Tuesday, February 12, 2008

A Fresh Start

So I tried this blog thing a while back...but it failed miserably...so I will try this out again. A whole new fresh start. For the last year or so, I have pushed myself to read as much as possible. I used to read allot, but it got to a point where I just didn't bother much anymore. In 2006, my resolution for 2007 was to read 15 books throughout the year. I reached that goal by February and managed to read 116 books. The books varied from Stephen King, to Salman Rushdie, to Gabriel Garcia Marquez, and John Irving. I discovered allot of authors and books I hadn't really thought of, and I have now kept on going this year with my goal. My resolution this year, was to read some major classics. This will be the year of Dickens, Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, and I will have to throw some Stephen King in there for good measure.

TOP TEN 2007!!
So what were the favorites of 2007...Well here it goes...

10. Invisible Monsters - Chuck Palahniuk
I discovered Palahniuk years ago with Fight Club, but pretty much forgot about him, until this year. I managed
to read almost every single thing he wrote throughout the year, and this one by far was his best work. A great disturbing tale of beauty and how you are percieved by yourself and others.

9. The Satanic Verses - Salman Rushdie
I wanted to read this one to see why Rushdie is hated by so many people. Can't say I found it offensive but I can see how people can...a classic tale of good and evil. I have to read this one again for sure...

8. No Country For Old Men - Cormac McCarthy
After reading the Road by this author...I was leary of starting another book by him. I was to say the least wanting more out of The Road, and it never payed off. No Country For old Men, I read because the preview looked terrific. The book was even better than the movie, and this is one to read if you like cautionary tales of fate, and what is in store for those who take chances with luck.

7. Sirens of the Titan - Kurt Vonnegut
Greetings from Tramfalador..........what a novel!!! Vonnegut has been called a science fiction hack writer...but to me...he is every thing that is good about writing wrapped into one convenient accessible package. Cats Crade was also extremely enjoyable.

6. The Hotel New Hampshire - John Irving
John Irving was probably my best find of 2007. This book was my fourth, and I couldn't put this one down.While it is overshadowed by it's previous book, 'Garp', it is a classic Irving novel in a sense that you get immersed in it.

5. Life of Pi -Yaan Martel
Classic...thought provoking, CANADIAN!!! Enough said

4. Crime and Punishment - Fyodor Dostoyevsy
Heavy, intense and deeply emotional. A hell of a book, that will stay with me for a very long time.

3. East of Eden - John Steinbeck
A friend told me to read this one. A retelling of the Cain and Abel story. Gripping, and intense, it also features the best female villian I have ever come across in a novel.

2. Catch 22 - Joseph Heller

Yossarian's adeventures in a world war II outfit, where anything goes, is a true classic American novel. While it s a difficult read, it was one that I will enjoy again and again.

1. The World According to Garp - John Irving

The Number one book of the year. The crazy world of T.S Garp is perverse, obscene, cruel, but most of all.......original. Irving's fourth book, and the one that sent him to the bestseller lists, is arguably one of his best works. The characters Garp, Jenny Fields, Roberta, and Helen all jump out of this novel and become your best friends. That is until the great endin, which couldn't have gone any other way. This is a book that makes you feel every emotion as you read it.

Runners Up
The Stand - Stephen King
Mercy Among the Children - David Adams Richards
Barney's Version - Mordecai Richler
Jude The Obscure - Thomas Hardy
To Kill A Mocking Bird - Harper Lee
Eyes of the Dragon - Stephen King
Killing Yourself to Live - Chuck Klosterman
I know this much is True - Wally Lamb
Fall On Your Knees - Anne Marie McDonald
RANT - Chuck Palahniuk

I will probably one day post my entire list from 2007...but this will do for now....
Till next time

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